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Private residence (London)

Client: Private

Year: 2016-2017

Clapham Park Terrace is a self-build project undertaken by our client and was designed by architect Carl Turner. The house completes a trio of contemporary builds set within a period terrace in south east London. We engaged with the client at a relatively early stage in the build, working together with Roy Middleton Interiors we produced working designs for the uniquely individual ventilation openings. These are stainless steel clad corner panels situated alongside the main windows on the first and second floors. Designed to allow extra ventilation during hot days in the summer they are hinged on the sides and open up by approximately 30°. The internal finish is in solid walnut and fits flush with the internal walls. Other areas of the house also had flush-fitting frameless walnut doors as well as stainless steel cladding and guttering details which we have also designed, manufactured and installed.